Kerr Lake Striper/Catfish

June 3rd- 4th, 2022   This event consisted of Drew Blake taking Chad Hooks and Billy Judson on an overnight striper fishing trip.  The trip started with the crew launching the 21' Sea Hunt BX21 from Ivy Hill Boat Ramp and finding a place to camp along the shore of Mill Creek.  Once camp was setup the crew set out to try some nighttime catfish jugging but was unsuccessful.  The crew jugged until 12 or 1:00 in the morning then decided to call it a night; however, morning came in only 3 short hours as they were up catching shad around 4:00am.  To catch bait the crew drifted the boat just offshore in around 30 foot of water and deployed spotlights over the side of the boat.  Within a hour bait fish could easily be seen swimming alongside the boat and with a few quick throws of his 8 foot…

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